I just got back from a lovely vacation in Aruba.
Since I've returned from Aruba, I have fallen hard off the wagon. I cannot seem to get back into the routine. I picked the wrong damn time to lose my motivation. Its the beginning of summer. I'm going to regain my mojo quick fast and in a hurry. I need to preserve my sexy.
I am having a mid life crisis. I need a career change asap. I don't know what I want to do, but I want to stop what I'm doing now. I'm on a 1 year plan to find a new career. I cannot spend the rest of my life doing something I absolutely don't care about. I need to be doing something that I'm passionate about. Not just collecting a check. Don't get me wrong, collecting a check is nice. But collecting a check doing something you lover is nicer.
Stay tuned for my rantings.